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在本文中,我们介绍了基于大型预训练的语言模型(PLM)pangu-alpha(Zeng等,2021)的中国预训练的开放域对话生成模型。与其他对大量对话数据进行培训的预训练的对话模型不同,我们旨在通过继承PLM的有价值的语言能力和知识来构建强大的对话模型,并以相对较少的数据和计算成本构建强大的对话模型。为此,我们训练大型PLM Pangu-Alpha的Pangu-bot,该机器人已被证明在各种中国自然语言任务上表现出色。我们研究了pangu-bot产生的响应的不同方面,包括响应质量,知识和安全性。我们表明,Pangu-Bot优于最先进的中国对话系统(CDIALGPT(Wang等,2020),Eva(Zhou等,2021),EVA2.0(Gu等,2022)) W.R.T.以上三个方面。我们还证明,可以轻松地部署pangu-bot,以在没有进一步训练的情况下产生情感反应。在整个经验分析中,我们还指出,Pangu-bot响应质量,知识正确性和安全性仍然远非完美,进一步的探索对于建立可靠且智能的对话系统是必不可少的。我们的型号和代码将在https://github.com/huawei-noah/pretretaining-language-model/tree/master/master/pangu-bot上提供。
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Face recognition has made extraordinary progress owing to the advancement of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The central task of face recognition, including face verification and identification, involves face feature discrimination. However, the traditional softmax loss of deep CNNs usually lacks the power of discrimination. To address this problem, recently several loss functions such as center loss, large margin softmax loss, and angular softmax loss have been proposed. All these improved losses share the same idea: maximizing inter-class variance and minimizing intra-class variance. In this paper, we propose a novel loss function, namely large margin cosine loss (LMCL), to realize this idea from a different perspective. More specifically, we reformulate the softmax loss as a cosine loss by L 2 normalizing both features and weight vectors to remove radial variations, based on which a cosine margin term is introduced to further maximize the decision margin in the angular space. As a result, minimum intra-class variance and maximum inter-class variance are achieved by virtue of normalization and cosine decision margin maximization. We refer to our model trained with LMCL as CosFace. Extensive experimental evaluations are conducted on the most popular public-domain face recognition datasets such as MegaFace Challenge, Youtube Faces (YTF) and Labeled Face in the Wild (LFW). We achieve the state-of-the-art performance on these benchmarks, which confirms the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
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Incorporating external knowledge into the response generation process is essential to building more helpful and reliable dialog agents. However, collecting knowledge-grounded conversations is often costly, calling for a better pre-trained model for grounded dialog generation that generalizes well w.r.t. different types of knowledge. In this work, we propose KPT (Keyword-guided Pre-Training), a novel self-supervised pre-training method for grounded dialog generation without relying on extra knowledge annotation. Specifically, we use a pre-trained language model to extract the most uncertain tokens in the dialog as keywords. With these keywords, we construct two kinds of knowledge and pre-train a knowledge-grounded response generation model, aiming at handling two different scenarios: (1) the knowledge should be faithfully grounded; (2) it can be selectively used. For the former, the grounding knowledge consists of keywords extracted from the response. For the latter, the grounding knowledge is additionally augmented with keywords extracted from other utterances in the same dialog. Since the knowledge is extracted from the dialog itself, KPT can be easily performed on a large volume and variety of dialogue data. We considered three data sources (open-domain, task-oriented, conversational QA) with a total of 2.5M dialogues. We conduct extensive experiments on various few-shot knowledge-grounded generation tasks, including grounding on dialog acts, knowledge graphs, persona descriptions, and Wikipedia passages. Our comprehensive experiments and analyses demonstrate that KPT consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods on these tasks with diverse grounding knowledge.
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Conditional variational models, using either continuous or discrete latent variables, are powerful for open-domain dialogue response generation. However, previous works show that continuous latent variables tend to reduce the coherence of generated responses. In this paper, we also found that discrete latent variables have difficulty capturing more diverse expressions. To tackle these problems, we combine the merits of both continuous and discrete latent variables and propose a Hybrid Latent Variable (HLV) method. Specifically, HLV constrains the global semantics of responses through discrete latent variables and enriches responses with continuous latent variables. Thus, we diversify the generated responses while maintaining relevance and coherence. In addition, we propose Conditional Hybrid Variational Transformer (CHVT) to construct and to utilize HLV with transformers for dialogue generation. Through fine-grained symbolic-level semantic information and additive Gaussian mixing, we construct the distribution of continuous variables, prompting the generation of diverse expressions. Meanwhile, to maintain the relevance and coherence, the discrete latent variable is optimized by self-separation training. Experimental results on two dialogue generation datasets (DailyDialog and Opensubtitles) show that CHVT is superior to traditional transformer-based variational mechanism w.r.t. diversity, relevance and coherence metrics. Moreover, we also demonstrate the benefit of applying HLV to fine-tuning two pre-trained dialogue models (PLATO and BART-base).
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Complex dialogue mappings (CDM), including one-to-many and many-to-one mappings, tend to make dialogue models generate incoherent or dull responses, and modeling these mappings remains a huge challenge for neural dialogue systems. To alleviate these problems, methods like introducing external information, reconstructing the optimization function, and manipulating data samples are proposed, while they primarily focus on avoiding training with CDM, inevitably weakening the model's ability of understanding CDM in human conversations and limiting further improvements in model performance. This paper proposes a Sentence Semantic \textbf{Seg}mentation guided \textbf{C}onditional \textbf{V}ariational \textbf{A}uto-\textbf{E}ncoder (SegCVAE) method which can model and take advantages of the CDM data. Specifically, to tackle the incoherent problem caused by one-to-many, SegCVAE uses response-related prominent semantics to constrained the latent variable. To mitigate the non-diverse problem brought by many-to-one, SegCVAE segments multiple prominent semantics to enrich the latent variables. Three novel components, Internal Separation, External Guidance, and Semantic Norms, are proposed to achieve SegCVAE. On dialogue generation tasks, both the automatic and human evaluation results show that SegCVAE achieves new state-of-the-art performance.
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Blind image super-resolution (Blind-SR) aims to recover a high-resolution (HR) image from its corresponding low-resolution (LR) input image with unknown degradations. Most of the existing works design an explicit degradation estimator for each degradation to guide SR. However, it is infeasible to provide concrete labels of multiple degradation combinations (\eg, blur, noise, jpeg compression) to supervise the degradation estimator training. In addition, these special designs for certain degradation, such as blur, impedes the models from being generalized to handle different degradations. To this end, it is necessary to design an implicit degradation estimator that can extract discriminative degradation representation for all degradations without relying on the supervision of degradation ground-truth. In this paper, we propose a Knowledge Distillation based Blind-SR network (KDSR). It consists of a knowledge distillation based implicit degradation estimator network (KD-IDE) and an efficient SR network. To learn the KDSR model, we first train a teacher network: KD-IDE$_{T}$. It takes paired HR and LR patches as inputs and is optimized with the SR network jointly. Then, we further train a student network KD-IDE$_{S}$, which only takes LR images as input and learns to extract the same implicit degradation representation (IDR) as KD-IDE$_{T}$. In addition, to fully use extracted IDR, we design a simple, strong, and efficient IDR based dynamic convolution residual block (IDR-DCRB) to build an SR network. We conduct extensive experiments under classic and real-world degradation settings. The results show that KDSR achieves SOTA performance and can generalize to various degradation processes. The source codes and pre-trained models will be released.
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Detecting sarcasm and verbal irony from people's subjective statements is crucial to understanding their intended meanings and real sentiments and positions in social scenarios. This paper describes the X-PuDu system that participated in SemEval-2022 Task 6, iSarcasmEval - Intended Sarcasm Detection in English and Arabic, which aims at detecting intended sarcasm in various settings of natural language understanding. Our solution finetunes pre-trained language models, such as ERNIE-M and DeBERTa, under the multilingual settings to recognize the irony from Arabic and English texts. Our system ranked second out of 43, and ninth out of 32 in Task A: one-sentence detection in English and Arabic; fifth out of 22 in Task B: binary multi-label classification in English; first out of 16, and fifth out of 13 in Task C: sentence-pair detection in English and Arabic.
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